As previously agreed upon, from now on I shall produce my articles in English since most of the subjects, I consider, are of great interest to our readers.
Equity is often related to justice or proportional fairness. Additionally, it is often seen in financial contexts relating to property or one´s share of a company. Equality differs from equity in that it relates more to sameness or equal distribution. In society, equal treatment does not always produce an equitable result.
Equity and equality share the same ultimate Latin root, but they split the meaning down the middle (so to speak), carving two distinct nouns that nevertheless do have some overlap in meaning.
The root word that they share is aequus (pronounced EYE-kwus), meaning “even” or “fair” or “equal.” That word led to the direct antecedents of our English words: equity is from the Latin aequitas, and equality is from aequalitas. Close resemblance and similar meanings aside, what´s different about these words in English was also different about them in Latin.